What Have We Wrought?

What is it we must do?

Regina Clarke
4 min readMay 3, 2022


A City That No Longer Exists — Mariupol, Ukraine on February 23, 2022

As I go about my day, I spend time with work and leisure. Both are mine to know. I stop at times and see the robin hopping in the grass and spring flowers emerging. Leaves appear on the branches of the trees, soon to be full form. Whether it is sunlight or raining, I see the glory of the sky and sense the life force in everything. This day belongs to me, God’s gift, meant for us all, each one.

And I am so aware that in Ukraine none of these things are even possible for millions of people. Putin has chosen to erase all access to the healing power of Nature, to the beauty of spring flowering, to the feel of sunlight and rain as gifts.

Most of all, what comes to mind is that the things we do day to day, be they tasks or meanderings or conversation or sharing a meal or walking in the park or watching theater or following a favorite show or just sitting still absorbing the Presence of All That Is — all these things we are able to experience, such ordinary things — are denied to those millions in Ukraine because of a dictator’s desire for power and his ability to live without conscience.

It is bewildering. All of us have felt guilt at some action, or grief at some event. It is the human condition to discover better ways to be.



Regina Clarke

Storyteller and dreamer. I write about the English language, being human, the magic of life, and metaphysics. Ph.D. in English Literature. www.regina-clarke.com