The Vibration of Abundance

It is more than money

Regina Clarke
4 min readJan 9, 2023


Vibration of the Universe
Gerd Altmann

Everything in the Universe is always in constant motion, vibrating at its own specific frequency. A field of energy surrounds every person and location and object and idea and action. This field draws toward it whatever holds the energy of the same vibrating frequency. This shapes our resonance with everything we encounter, all the time.

Our consciousness is vibration. Dreams are vibration.

Infinity is vibration.

Our brain waves of delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma are vibrations in increasing frequencies that exist according to our state — and level — of perception.

Every thought and feeling you have is a vibration.

All of us learn how to “read” energy in others because we recognize their vibration. This happens whether we are aware of it or not. We sense when we encounter with some people a feeling of dissonance and know we would rather keep our distance, and it is usually wise inner guidance. We sense upon meeting other people a feeling of happiness, and lightheartedness, and again our inner guidance directs us, in this case to embrace knowing those people gladly.

Nothing is fixed, everything is always in motion, always transforming, and so then are we all. Each of us has a unique frequency vibrating in…



Regina Clarke

Storyteller and dreamer. I write about the English language, being human, the magic of life, and metaphysics. Ph.D. in English Literature.