The Most Powerful Way to Live Your Life

Care about what you are doing…

Regina Clarke



Let yourself emerge…

If left to your own devices, with no outside influence, what is it that brings you your greatest feeling of happiness?

What most brings you joy?

Are you doing what you love…?

These would seem simple questions and easily answered. But, in truth, as we go about our days, we rarely think of them. Instead, we seek distractions — what actually keep us from asking and answering. Our cell phones function as a supreme agent for this purpose, always taking us away from ourselves.

We cling to the interruption of the ringtone like a lifeline. Why?

Silence is our enemy, for if we allow it we inevitably enter contemplation of our inner life. Strange as it is, we hesitate to know what that is at a deep level. It frightens us in some way, far too often. For what if we discover who we really are?

You know it would bring change. It would require you contemplate the unknown. This could alter your life dramatically…

We grow comfortable in being amidst what we do know.

How do the thoughts go, the ones people use to justify staying where they are, emotionally? “Old ways are proven.” “Resistance is…



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