Feeling Alignment

The gift of the life force

Regina Clarke
3 min readJun 15, 2022


Public Domain

On reading a famous passage quoted in an article by The Transcendentalist:

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

I gave this comment:

“The Emerson quote is one of my favorites — oh to be back in the 1840s in Concord taking a seat at the local lyceum on a summer evening and see Emerson walk to the podium and then be immersed for the next two hours listening to him speak of Nature or Self-Reliance or The Oversoul and more.”

I have thought of this idea so often since, reflecting. As if it had really happened.

Lyceum lecture by Emerson in Concord

As if after that lecture I had joined Emerson and his wife Lidian and their friends back in their home, so often a place where poets and philosophers met, with the…



Regina Clarke

Storyteller and dreamer. I write about the English language, being human, the magic of life, and metaphysics. Ph.D. in English Literature. www.regina-clarke.com